Guess what? People need to conserve as much money as possible! There is however a distinct line between saving money and acquiring an inferior product or settling  for lousy customer service. No amount of discounting will make up for a product you really did not want in the first place, or dealing with a store, company or organization that treats you poorly, as if your business doesn’t matter.

At Discount Medical Uniforms in North Palm Beach, you are guaranteed the lowest price possible. Additionally, we carry every line imaginable in medical uniforms and everything else related to medical apparel and scrubs, and we covet your business and treat you like a king or queen (more often than not a queen).

Now this is not idle chatter. First of all, our store is awesome. It is neat, clean, well organized and run professionally. We carry Cherokee, Barco, Grey’s Anatomy, Koi, Dickies, Wonder Wink, Carhart, Klogs, Sanitas, Nurse Mates, Alegria, Littman, MDF, Prestige, just to name a few. We actually carry a lot more. Almost everything is in stock, and if it’s not, we special order on a quick delivery basis (usually three to fours days) at no additional expense.

Our policy is discount, discount, discount! Give the customer everything they could possibly want, and do it professionally, with a smile on our face and having great respect for our patrons. Our #1 priority is the individual customer, however, we excel at group sales. Our group sales department (offices, organizations, anyone ordering larger quantities) has unique experience in this area, and we easily do it better, and certainly cheaper, than anyone else.

We have a lowest price guarantee! We will beat any legitimate price from any source, period! This price guarantee is used very infrequently because we already offer the lowest pricing to begin with. However, you can rest assured you are paying the lowest possible price for any item you purchase from Discount Medical Uniforms.

Chances are, you’re already our customer, and we are grateful for that. If by chance, you are not our customer yet, simply stop by our store, and we are pretty confident that you will become our customer. There is simply no need to settle for less than the best, while dealing with people who care the most.

For a sneak peak, visit us online at And as always, thanks for being our customer.